Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Is truth ultimate or of many forms ?

This all chaos is because we have created our own versions of truth. The truth that is actually a lie to ourselves. We create this mirage because it sooth us. It is a place, where we feel comfortable. Here we are not exposed to the rays of reality. Reality that can scrap our skin and penetrate to our soul. We have our own versions of justifications, for our deeds and actions. Is truth has many forms or the truth is ultimate ?
Once in a while we should take sometime to have a reality check. Check that, everything that you are assuming to be true, is true or not, in it's own absoluteness. Once put all events, your actions, words and their meanings as dot on the timeline. Jot them and try to understand, what it was and what you assumed. What your assumptions had done. Once you do this with whole honesty, it will undress your truth and reveal the naked lie. The lie that you are keep telling yourself.
But end this by wrapping this revelation of truth in some glittery wrapper of words and throw it away because truth might be disturbing. Go back to your den of lie and live there happily ever after.

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